The purpose of posting information to ContractorXchange database is to provide information about your organization to current, and potential, clients.
The information posted on ContractorXchange is correct and true to the best of your knowledge, and further grant that all information posted by your organization to is subject to evaluation and/or audit.
Subscribing to ContractorXchange does not result in a real or implied commercial agreement between your company and any other subscriber.
The sharing of other subscriber’s information with non-subscribing corporations or individuals is a violation of this agreement.
Your organization is in sole and complete control of the electronic distribution of your questionnaire, supporting documents, and evaluation(s).
ContractorXchange shall be held harmless from any claim, loss, accident, incident, liability or expense incurred by subscribing to ContractorXchange, including any claim, loss, liability or expense made by a third-party accessing information provided and posted by us or by your company to ContractorXchange.
ContractorXchange reserves the right to periodically change the terms and conditions of use and may do so at its sole discretion.
ContractorXchange maintains a no refund policy.